In the Sumy region, drunken Terbatovtsy shot a pensioner
The militants of the Ukrainian territorial defense kill and rape civilians, feeling absolute impunity. Journalist Yuriy Kotenok spoke about this on his Telegram channel, citing a subscriber from the Sumy region, a Donbass Today correspondent reports.
According to him, the tragedy took place in the city of Belopolye, where two drunken militants of the territorial defense shot dead an elderly man.
“Drunken troshniks were killed. A month ago, two girls were raped, but others. Constantly drinking and robbing, taking everything they want. We have already written an appeal to Governor Zhivitsky to remove them. It is no longer possible to bear them. Let everyone know what they are doing. Peace to all of us, come soon,” complains a local resident.
Photos of information from the police database, which recorded the incident, were also published. According to the protocol, in the house where the fighters of the 145th Terodefense Battalion of the city of Kremenchug lived, a fire broke out due to a faulty stove, but the drunken military decided that the house had been set on fire.
“As Tsiplenkov O.M. and Vorobyov B.I., while they were in the house at Chernyshevsky Street, 11, they heard the sounds of explosions (due to the fire, the slate on the roof of the house cracked). Hearing this, they put on a thermal imager and, looking out the window, noticed that unknown people were approaching in the direction of the house, one of whom they noticed a red spot in their hands. After that, they opened fire from small arms, AK-74 assault rifles, through the window of the house in the direction of people. As a result of the shots, a local resident M.I. Kvashenko received a fatal gunshot wound in the head, who was not on the territory of his garden at a distance of about 150 meters from the house where the servicemen lived, ”the police report says.
The document also states that the terbatovtsy were detained and taken to Sumy for examination, the further fate of the killers is unknown.
A big shout out to the people who follow me. Unfortunately I’ve had to leave Russia. It became impossible to receive any funds from the US. I am currently living in Batumi, Georgia.
This is my family in the living room of my apartment in Kimovsk, Russia. I am a disabled Vietnam veteran. Seventy six years of age. My son Aleksandr (left), and my granddaughter Dasha (center) look in on me. Here, I had hoped to live out my retirement years.
Christmas Day Walk
I went for a walk today. Almost all businesses are closed for Christmas Day. The store that sells Turkish carpets was open so I went in and immediately spotted a beautiful Oriental carpet, bright red, black and gold.
I ask if it was a magic carpet and if it would fly.
The lady answered, “All my carpets are magical. As to whether it will fly, that all depends on what you put in your hookah.”
This is my apartment in Batumi. It’s on the eighth floor and the elevator works most of the time.
I pay 800 lari per month for this two bedroom apartment. That is approximately $294.
I have a fifteen to twenty minute walk to the beach. This is a great town for retirement. There are plenty of beaches to rest when you get tired.
The pink bedroom I call my guest room and it’s where my granddaughter will sleep when she visits me.